We have more exciting mountain bike trail progress from Eaglecrest’s CCC Trail Crew! The lower half of the trail is completely open from the just above the pump house down to the base of the Hooter Chairlift! The upper half is still under construction, but the crew is making strides, despite this being Juneau’s second rainiest summer in recorded history!
In the photos below, you’ll see that the upper trail is pioneered and hardened with a geotextile layer and shot rock, just a few hundred feet shy of the top of Hooter. The crew is working their way up the track, finishing the trail with mulched edges and a packed surface of finely crushed rock. It’s slow-going hard work, but necessary for Eaglecrest to have a mountain bike trail that can stand up to the heavy rains of Southeast Alaska!
Click and drag the before and after photos below to see the same section of trail: pioneered vs. finished.

In fact, the finished trail is built more like a road and sheds water easily. It’s fun, smooth, and great for riding in all types of weather! You can ride it in the rain and not even get too muddy!
As always, we ask all hikers, bikers, and dog walkers to please yield to heavy machinery and staff while you’re on the mountain. With some luck, we’ll have the trail finished or nearly there before the snow comes!